Come progettare packaging ecosostenibile?

Come progettare packaging ecosostenibile?

Cosa considerare quando si progetta un packaging eco-compatibile, adottando un approccio basato sul ciclo di vita. I frutti hanno il loro “imballaggio” protettivo. La buccia dei limoni, delle arance o di altri agrumi è ruvida, protegge dagli urti, la forma...
Comment concevoir des emballages durables?

Comment concevoir des emballages durables?

Ce qu’il faut prendre en compte lors de la conception d’emballages écologiques, en adoptant une approche fondée sur le cycle de vie. Les fruits ont leur propre « emballage » protecteur. La peau des citrons, oranges ou autres agrumes est rugueuse, elle...
Wie entwirft man eine nachhaltige Verpackung?

Wie entwirft man eine nachhaltige Verpackung?

Was bei der Gestaltung umweltfreundlicher Verpackungen unter Berücksichtigung des Lebenszyklus-Ansatzes zu beachten ist. Früchte haben ihre eigene schützende „Verpackung“. Die Schale von Zitronen, Orangen oder anderen Zitrusfrüchten ist rau, sie schützt...
Enabling plastic packaging innovation for decreasing waste

Enabling plastic packaging innovation for decreasing waste

Case study: which business models enable prevention of waste in the plastic packaging industry   1. The players involved in the plastic packaging value chain As you might be already aware, big brands, retailers and other stakeholders are increasing their...
How to design eco friendly packaging?

How to design eco friendly packaging?

What to consider when designing eco friendly packaging, taking a lifecycle approach. Fruits have their own protective “packaging”. Lemons, oranges or other citrus fruits’ skin is rough, it protects from impacts, the round shape distributes forces evenly. Still, in our...